Lip Fillers Lexington, KY

Lip Fillers Lexington, KY

Collagen Induction Therapy + MICRONEEDLING Lexington, KY

Lip Fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment designed to increase the volume and shape of the lips, offering a fuller, more defined appearance. This relatively non-invasive procedure involves the injection of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, a substance that naturally occurs in the body, into the lips. Suitable for individuals seeking to augment thin lips, smooth out lip lines, or achieve a more symmetrical lip shape, lip fillers are tailored to meet various aesthetic goals. The treatment is quick, typically taking about 30 minutes, with results immediately visible. The longevity of the effects varies, but typically, lip fillers last between 6 to 12 months, after which the body naturally absorbs the hyaluronic acid.

Hourglass Aesthetics offers expert lip filler services for those in Lexington, KY, seeking to enhance their lip aesthetics. Our skilled professionals ensure a comfortable experience with results that complement your natural beauty. Book your appointment today to achieve your desired fuller, more youthful lips.

Some of the skin concerns that Collagen Induction Therapy can treat include:

Vampire Breast Lift®

The Vampire Breast Lift® is a revolutionary, non-surgical treatment designed to rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of the breasts. Utilizing the power of Natural Growth Factor Injection derived from the patient’s blood, this innovative procedure aims to restore volume, improve skin texture, and enhance the overall shape of the breasts. Ideal for those seeking a subtle lift and a more youthful contour without the downtime of traditional surgery, the Vampire Breast Lift® offers a natural approach to breast enhancement.

The three most essential things patients should know about the Vampire Breast Lift® are as follows:

Indications that a Vampire Breast Lift® may be beneficial to you if you have:

The Vampire Breast Lift® may not be the best treatment for women with naturally small breasts, which we will evaluate during your free consultation to determine if this is the best option for you.

Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration treatments offer a cutting-edge solution for those experiencing hair thinning or loss. These advanced procedures, ranging from Natural Growth Factor Injection therapy to hair transplant surgery, are tailored to address various types of hair loss. By stimulating hair follicles and promoting new growth, these treatments aim to restore a fuller, healthier head of hair. Ideal for both men and women, Hair Restoration provides a boost in confidence and a significant improvement in hair density and appearance.

women's sexual health injection

The women’s sexual health injection, is a revolutionary treatment designed to enhance sexual wellness and intimate health in women. Utilizing the healing properties of Natural Growth Factor Injection, this minimally invasive procedure aims to rejuvenate vaginal tissue, increase sensitivity, and improve sexual function. The women’s sexual health injection is particularly beneficial for women experiencing issues like decreased libido, vaginal dryness, or urinary incontinence, offering a natural path to improved sexual health and satisfaction.

Benefits of women's sexual health injection include:

men's sexual health, penis injection

The men’s sexual health, penis injection, or Priapus Shot, is a groundbreaking treatment for male sexual enhancement and wellness. This procedure involves the injection of Natural Growth Factor Injection into the penile tissue, promoting tissue regeneration and improving blood flow. The men’s sexual health, penis injection is designed to enhance sexual performance, increase sensation, and potentially improve issues like erectile dysfunction. Offering a natural, non-surgical option, the men’s sexual health, penis injection is a discreet and effective way to enhance male sexual health.

Benefits of the men's sexual health, penis injection:


Sculptra is a long-lasting, injectable treatment that subtly and gradually restores facial volume lost to aging. Made from poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, helping to replenish lost volume and smooth out deep lines and wrinkles. This treatment is ideal for those seeking a more youthful appearance without the invasiveness of surgery. Sculptra offers natural-looking results lasting up to two years, making it a popular choice for long-term facial rejuvenation.


Ideal candidates are good-healthful adults seeking to enhance lip volume or shape.

 As soon as the treatment is completed, results will usually be visible.

Depending on individual factors, the effects usually last 6 to 12 months.

There is minimal downtime. Some common side effects include temporary swelling or bruising.

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