BBL Hero & Forever Young BBL Lexington, KY test

BBL Hero & Forever Young BBL Lexington, KY test

BBL Hero & Forever Young BBL are advanced treatments offered at Hourglass Aesthetics in Lexington, KY, designed to address brown spots and stimulate collagen rejuvenation. Using BroadBand Light (BBL) technology, these procedures emit intense pulses of light energy into the skin, targeting pigmented lesions and promoting the body’s natural healing process. The versatility of BBL Hero & Forever Young BBL allows for treatment across various body areas, including the face, neck, chest, hands, and arms, making it suitable for individuals seeking skin rejuvenation and correction of sun damage.

Experience the benefits of BBL Hero & Forever Young BBL at Hourglass Aesthetics, where our skilled professionals are dedicated to helping you achieve radiant, youthful-looking skin. Schedule your appointment today to embark on your journey to rejuvenation and confidence.

Benefits of BBL Hero & Forever Young BBL


Individuals concerned with brown spots, sun damage, and signs of aging.
Results are typically noticeable after one session, with continued improvement over time.
Results vary, but maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain optimal outcomes.
There is minimal downtime and a low risk of side effects, allowing for an immediate return to daily activities.
Your provider will provide pre- and post-treatment instructions to optimize results and minimize potential risks.
The procedure involves the application of a cooling gel followed by brief pulses of light energy delivered to the skin, which may cause a mild sensation of warmth or tingling.

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