Can PRP/PRF be used as an anti-aging volume filler?

Can PRPPRF be used as an anti-aging volume filler

Our skin eventually generates less collagen, elastin, as well as other key elements that give our complexions a flawless, young appearance as we age. Fortunately, cutting-edge anti-aging procedures such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) can assist to boost these natural processes, which will result in fewer wrinkles, a more equal skin texture, and a lighter skin tone.

What Do PRP and PRF Stand for?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) are two main components that are typically found in your blood and are known to assist in the processes of cell renewal and tissue repair. PRP and PRF can stimulate collagen and elastin production when used as a treatment for skincare, resulting in a complexion that is more radiant and gives the appearance of being younger.

What are the Key Distinctions Between PRP and PRF?

Both PRP and PRF are created from the patient’s blood, which is spun in a centrifuge to extract the various elements that make up the blood. When the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is put into a centrifuge operating at high speed, the blood is forced to separate into two distinct layers. The PRP is found on the surface of the centrifuge, on top of the thicker red and white blood cells and stem cells.

On the other hand, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is placed into the centrifuge at a low speed, which enables some of the heavier elements, such as growth and stem cells, to be blended with the platelets and plasma that are lighter in weight.

How is Platelet Rich Plasma Used?

PRP and PRF are produced due to the PRP solution’s purification and the platelets’ preservation. Topically applying PRP is safe and effective in treating cosmetic conditions.

What Kind of Results Should You Anticipate?

PRF rejuvenation may be beneficial for both men and women looking for a treatment that is both all-natural and minimally invasive to resolve the visible signs of aging as well as other skin problems such as scarring and acne scars. The practitioner will review your medical history to ascertain whether or not you are a possible candidate for this cutting-edge anti-aging treatment.

PRP is derived from the patient’s body so that the results will differ for each individual. Patients should expect to see a visible improvement in the overall freshness of their skin, as well as an improvement in tone and texture. After three to four weeks have passed since the treatment session, patients will start to see results, which will then continue to get better over time. In general, one to six treatment sessions are required, but the exact number of sessions is determined by the skin improvement goals you wish to achieve.

Are There Any Other Procedures That Can Be Combined with PRP?

The effectiveness of several treatments and procedures can be improved by incorporating PRP and PRF into those practices. PRP is frequently used in conjunction with other laser treatments, such as laser skin tightening and laser skin rejuvenation, by many patients. Infusing growth factors deeply into the skin with the help of microneedling is one way to improve the outcomes of the treatment. The infusion technique helps to improve the general quality of their skin as well as its firmness and texture. Patients who get PRF injections can increase the health of their hair as well as the thickness of their hair.

How long will the results last?

The initial improvement in volume will normally remain for one to three weeks, after which it will gradually disappear. It may take up to three to four months before longer-term effects such as increased collagen production, skin tightening, and improved skin quality become noticeable. These effects may continue anywhere from six to twelve months. Scars can be improved in a permanent way. In most cases, patients must wait at least six weeks after their first PRF treatment before observing any discernible signs of recovery. Wrinkles and deep lines that have already formed cannot be removed.

Prf Injections Vs. Regular Lip Filler And Facial Filler

Injections of PRF are a more natural method of face rejuvenation than other procedures. PRF utilizes your body’s substances to stimulate your body’s growth factors and collagen to fill in wrinkles, increase your skin’s glow, and help with discoloration in the under-eye area. 

Filler does an excellent job of volumizing the skin with an immediate result, whereas PRF is a long process that also assists with the skin’s tone and texture. Both of these benefits are provided by filler. PRF injections to the face are an alternative to hyaluronic acid filler treatments for patients with autoimmune diseases or who are not good candidates for fillers made of hyaluronic acid.

Are there any potential adverse reactions?

As with any cosmetic operation, there is a possibility of experiencing some small and common adverse effects, such as mild swelling, soreness, and bruising. Platelet-rich fibrin, on the other hand, is formed from the patient’s blood, so the danger connected with it is significantly lower than the risk associated with other treatments. It is possible that patients who have certain blood problems or who take particular drugs will be unable to undergo PRF treatment. During your appointment, practitioners will go through your medical history, prescriptions, and supplements to ensure that you can undergo PRF for facial rejuvenation in a safe and effective manner.

What steps should you take to get ready for your first PRF treatment?

During your appointment, the practitioner will discuss the pre-care and post-care that is required for your procedure. You must adhere to these guidelines to obtain the most desirable result. Whether you are administering PRF topically or through injections will determine how the instructions should be carried out. 

Is there any need for downtime?

After receiving PRF treatment, there is very little to no downtime associated with the procedure, regardless of whether it was administered topically or intravenously. You might experience discoloration, inflammation, and bruising when you get injections at the site where the needle was inserted. Your skin will likely peel and become red and swollen after you have microneedling done to it. It is essential to stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible and to use a product with a good SPF rating.

Get in touch with Hourglass Aesthetics to arrange a consultation in case you are interested in learning more about the PRP or PRF treatments offered.

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